Comings and Goings
Bill Williams and Brian Barker
Williams is retiring from his role of maintaining membership records.
Bill has served both Scouting in Horsham over many years and his records
have helped to ensure the information provided for adult awards is
accurate and complete.
Brian Barker will be taking on this role in the future .
Sarah Nicholson and Vince Mitchell
Nicholson has stepped down from her role as District Treasurer. We are
grateful for all that Sarah has done to support the District Executive.
Mitchell has taken up the role again. Vince has continued to be
involved with Horsham Weald assisting the Appointments Secretary by
monitoring membership records held on the Scout Association's membership
database and reminding GSLs when appointment reviews are due and
helping to ensure all CRB/DBS checks are up to date.
John Morton
will be leaving the District in the near future to be closer to his
family. John has had many roles in Scouting including DC of Horsham
District. In recent times he has been the County Badge Secretary and
looked after the Horsham Newsletter.
John’s contribution to Scouting has been enormous and he will be greatly missed.